Saturday, May 8, 2010

And today's double was dedicated to my Uncle Randy, the Scotsman, and all three of our livers...

I used to be quite the accomplished drinker, I have personally slaughtered many men much larger than I with tequila over the years. During all of this I inherited my dear Uncle Randy, who was a bar manager and is now a scotch rep. Needless to say recently I have cut way back to the point of almost eliminating alcohol entirely. So, last night, when my dear Uncle called and said there was a going away event for his Scottish friend Jimmy, I decided to imbibe, for old times (not so distant)sake...
From that point the story goes pretty much as usual.
This morning at 7am when I woke up and realized I really could not afford to miss this Saturday double 8&10am session. I argued with myself about how bad this could go for me, but in the end I decided I had to do something to make up for the damage I did to myself last night.
SO, I drank many many waters,took two Excedrin, put on my wet yoga clothes, (which were left in the washer from yesterday) and stumbled out the door...
I am not sure of the exact timing, but at some point between 7:30 am and 11:30 I sobered up, got nauseous, got a hangover, fought through it, became euphoric, and had one of my strongest doubles yet. I do not recommend this behavior to any one but, this was a great testament to why excuse # 2433887 for not going to a Bikram class (#2433887 is being hungover or possibly still being intoxicated) is not any more valid than the 2433886 before it or the 5 million after it.
The bit of yoga wisdom shared in class today that stuck in my head was said at the beginning of my second classes floor series:
"Keep your eyes open and your mouth closed"
Altho she definately meant this in the literal sense it is damn brilliant advice for life in general, especially when there are shots of rumplemintz involved!
And no, I do not plan on putting myself through this again any time soon...

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