Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Today is not Tuesday, I don't care what you say, IT IS NOT TUESDAY!!!!

This morning in my second class a familiar friend came to visit. I remember him well from my first challenge, his name is "Pain Like White Hot Lightening Striking Me in the Left But Cheek and Heading Down My Leg". I call him "Pain in My Ass" for short. He comes to visit when I have once again forgotten that my determination is much greater than my physical strength. Luckily one of our instructors Tom can make my unwelcome friend go away. Without Tom I would not physically be able to have come this far, if you ever have a pain having to do with muscular stuff, he, is your man.
So, I am staying home and pretending that today is not Triple Tuesday as to avoid the 6pm class. I have been cordially uninvited by the instructor for the 6pm due to my gimpyness anyway, so even if I tried to go it would not be received well.
Speaking of pain, today I realised what the most painful thing anyone will ever encounter in a Bikram class is, it happens to me often, and I am totally unable to prevent it.

Rabbit Pose:
You tuck your chin to your chest,
touch your forehead to your knees,
lift your hips to the ceiling,
and the sweat that was previously residing on your chin,
rolls up your nose and into your sinus cavities.
This ladies and gentlemen is what real pain is.
It happens frequently and all I can think of is a white hot burning light in my skull, or Ozzy snorting ants, (if he had been in Florida and they had been fire ants) or my brain floating in a pool of napalm.
At least muscles and ligaments have the good grace to cramp, or ache or feel like someone has just hit you with a spiked baseball bat in your left ass cheek, unlike your cursed sinuses that unleash legions of blinding ungodly pain into your cranium.
So, next time you have a pain in class, just breathe and smile through it, and be thankful you didn't just snort fire ants.

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