Friday, May 7, 2010

What a difference a day (and two more glasses of water) makes!!!

Yesterday I felt like I was sinking into the floor, today I felt like I was floating
Yesterday I stumbled out of triangle, today I owned it
Yesterday I fell out of standing bow, today my legs were like a lamppost, unbroken.
Yesterday I was excited about going to class, today I tried to talk myself out of it
Go figure...
Yesterday is never like today, and, you never know what this class will be like until its underway.
This reminds me of when the instructors tell you at the end of two sets, to fully relax, and let that posture go.
So... I am learning to just work as hard as I can during a class, and then fully relax, and let that class go.
Just as in every instance in life, all you can do, or are supposed to do, is work as hard as you can until it is done, then relax, and let it go...

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